请参阅: 说明
接口 | 说明 |
Grantee |
ObjectRestoreResult |
Interface for service responses that receive the x-amz-restore header.
ProgressListener | 已过时
Replaced by
com.amazonaws.event.ProgressListener . |
类 | 说明 |
AccessControlList |
Represents an Amazon S3 Access Control List (ACL), including the ACL's set of
grantees and the permissions assigned to each grantee.
Bucket |
Represents an Amazon S3 bucket.
BucketInfo |
CompleteMultipartUploadRequest |
Container for the parameters of the CompleteMultipartUpload operation.
CompleteMultipartUploadResult |
The CompleteMultipartUploadResult contains all the information about the
CompleteMultipartUpload method.
CopyObjectRequest |
Provides options for copying an Amazon S3 object
from a source location to a new destination.
CreateBucketRequest |
Provides options for creating an Amazon S3 bucket.
DeleteBucketRequest |
Provides options for deleting a specified bucket.
DeleteObjectRequest |
Provides options for deleting a specified object in a specified bucket.
DigestValidationInputStream |
Input stream extends MD5DigestValidationInputStream, when you finish reading the stream, it
will validate whether the computed digest equals the one from the server
GeneratePresignedUrlRequest |
Contains options to genearate a pre-signed URL for an Amazon S3 resource.
GenericBucketRequest |
Generic request container for web service requests on buckets.
GetBucketAclRequest |
Request object containing all the options for requesting a bucket's Access Control List (ACL).
GetObjectMetadataRequest |
Provides options for obtaining
the metadata for the specified Amazon S3 object without actually
fetching the object contents.
GetObjectRequest |
Provides options for downloading an Amazon S3 object.
Grant |
Specifies a grant, consisting of one grantee and one permission.
InitiateMultipartUploadRequest |
The InitiateMultipartUploadRequest contains the parameters used for the
InitiateMultipartUpload method.
InitiateMultipartUploadResult |
Contains the results of initiating a multipart upload, particularly the
unique ID of the new multipart upload.
LegacyS3ProgressListener |
A proxy class that wraps the deprecated S3 progress listener and implements
the new
com.sina.event.ProgressListener interface. |
ListBucketsRequest |
Request object for listing all the Amazon S3 buckets owned by a user.
ListObjectsRequest |
Contains options to return a list of summary information about the objects in the specified
ListPartsRequest |
Container for the the parameters of the ListParts operation.
MultiFactorAuthentication |
Contains Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) information to be included
in Amazon S3 requests,
consisting of the serial number of the MFA device associated with your AWS
account and the current, unique MFA token generated by that device.
ObjectInfo |
ObjectListing |
Contains the results of listing the objects in an Amazon S3 bucket.
ObjectMetadata |
Represents the object metadata that is stored with Amazon S3.
Owner |
Represents the owner of an Amazon S3 bucket.
PartETag |
Container for the part number and ETag of an uploaded part.
PartListing |
The ListPartsResponse contains all the information about the ListParts
PartSummary |
Container for summary information about a part in a multipart upload, such as
part number, size, etc.
ProgressEvent | 已过时
Replaced by
com.amazonaws.event.ProgressEvent |
PutObjectRelaxRequest |
PutObjectRequest |
Uploads a new object to the specified Amazon S3 bucket.
PutObjectResult |
Contains the data returned by Amazon S3 from the
operation. |
RepeatableInputStream |
A repeatable input stream wrapper for any input stream.
ResponseHeaderOverrides |
Container object for overriding headers on a
GetObjectRequest or
GeneratePresignedUrlRequest response. |
S3Object |
Represents an object stored in Amazon S3.
S3ObjectInputStream |
Input stream representing the content of an
S3Object . |
S3ObjectSummary |
Contains the summary of an object stored in an Amazon S3 bucket.
SetBucketAclRequest |
Request object containing all the options for setting a bucket's Access Control List (ACL).
UploadPartRequest |
Contains the parameters used for the UploadPart operation on Amazon S3.
UploadPartResult |
Contains the details returned from Amazon S3 after calling the UploadPart
UserIdGrantee |
userid 对象
枚举 | 说明 |
CannedAccessControlList |
Specifies constants defining a canned access control list.
Permission |
Specifies constants defining an access permission,
as granted to grantees in an
AccessControlList . |
StorageClass |
Specifies constants that define Amazon S3 storage classes.
异常错误 | 说明 |
SCSS3Exception |
Provides an extension of the AmazonServiceException
for errors reported by Amazon S3 while
processing a request.
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